  • van-can-bang-nhiet-mtcv-pn10-range-30-60oc-dn20-p-n-003z1520

VAN CÂN BẰNG NHIỆT MTCV. PN10. RANGE 30-60oC. DN20 P/N: 003Z1520

Mã sản phẩm: 003Z1520 / 003Z0520
Thương hiệu: Danfoss
Giá bán: 1 đ
Đặt hàng qua điện thoại: Mr Thịnh - 0918808005 / 0937250579

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Chuyên nhập khẩu và phân phối Van cân bằng nhiệt, Van cân bằng lưu lượng... Danfoss !


Mô tả: Van Danfoss Multifunctional Thermostatic Circulation Valve MTCV. PN10. Range 30-60oC. DN20

Đặt hàng: 4-6 tuần

Xuất xứ: Slovenia

BH 12 tháng


The MTCV is a thermostatic, self-acting, proportional valve. It provides thermostatic balancing of hot-water systems within the temperature range of 35 - 60 degrees C. 

It enables temperature measurement and is designed to prevent unwanted tampering. A shut-off function of the circulation riser is possible by means of optional fittings with a built-in ball valve. 

The valve’s metal parts consist of lead free brass components and an Rg5 bronze valve body in accordance with the regulations of the European Drinking Water Directive. 

Modular upgrading of the MTCV valve is possible during operation under pressurized conditions. When servicing becomes necessary the calibrated thermo-element can be replaced.